Poster Size and Format

Size: 90 × 70 cm (Portrait)

Language: English


  • The poster should include the title of the article, the name and address of the author(s), the abstract, the introduction, the materials and methods, the results, the discussion and some selected references along with the related colorful illustrations and graphs.
  • The logo of the congress at the top left corner of the poster and the logo of the university or institute will be considered at the top right corner of the poster.
  • It is suggested to express the poster contents more in shape, diagram and table and avoid long text writing.

Font: Poster font is appropriately chosen, so that readers can read it at regular distance (about one meter).

*** The presenter is required to be available at the announced hours at the place where his/her poster is installed.

*** Three top posters will be awarded.


Oral presentation

Language: English

Oral presentation file: It should be prepared using MS PowerPoint software with one of the three PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013 or newer versions as standard size as possible (4:3). In the first slide, the logo of the congress should be placed somewhere appropriate.

Time: Time of each talk has been mentioned in the section “Papers/Accepted Papers”.